Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bracelet for Book Group

I made this bracelet for two of the members
 of my book group to thank them for
inviting me into their group 10 years ago.
I laminated color pictures of each book
we read this year and put a rivet on the corner
to hang them on the chain.  I added
some beads and a small tag that
says "2010-2011 BG"
This idea was in the book
"Hip Handmade Memory Jewelry"
by Cathy Jakicic

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

twirling :)

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Dress of Mens ties

Here is the first dress I've made of mens silk ties. I chose a color scheme of navy, gray, and muted reds. All of the ties are 100% silk. To make it summer weight I opened each tie and removed the stiff inner lining. Each tie was cleaned and pressed open then stitched together. To make it fitted through the upper waist I added a 14" zipper in the back.
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Alchemy Arts: recycling is chic"

In March I was collecting men's ties for a tie skirt and found the book "alchemy arts" at the library.  It has so many inspiring ideas I just had to start trying them.    Di Jennings petticoat based frock made of mens ties is the opening idea so thats what I started with.  It came out so beautiful.  I ended up making a fitted piece for the center...a kind of cumberbun of ties and put a zipper in the back to show off the waist.  I love the silk ties and the colorful pattern mix.